Going beyond ESG for onepoint: STEER

At onepoint, the first projects dedicated to the environment, human resources, and quality were already underway in 2010, laying the groundwork for an innovative culture of corporate social responsibility.

As architects of transformation, we are convinced that the economy of the future must serve progress and the creation of new models. This is what onepoint is all about: designing a new world.

Since 2022, onepoint has been certified as a B Corp.


Today, as an integral part of our DNA, our corporate vision leads us to go beyond ESG. By taking a broader interest in the impact of the company’s activity on its economic, social, ecological, and technological environment.

The transformations of today’s economic world are pushing us to rethink the classic ESG approach, in particular by tackling:

  • Rethinking the notion of corporate social responsibility and the way in which ESG is taken into account in the evaluation of its performance;
  • Engage all stakeholders in our ecosystem;
  • Seize the opportunity offered by a new platform and data exploitation tools to increase our operational efficiency on these subjects tenfold.

To this end, onepoint completes the current ESG framework to include economic and technological dimensions, in a STEER* approach intrinsically linked to the value chain of a company’s activity.

Convinced by the benefits of a mature and global ESG, STEER is our answer to this necessary paradigm shift.

*Social, Technological, Economic, , Environmental, Responsibility

STEER: a commitment supported by David LAYANI

Through this proactive approach led by President David Layani, onepoint is a leader in these major challenges of tomorrow’s world, a factor in attracting talent but also in motivating and retaining our colleagues.

“We believe in digital innovation that provides concrete solutions to the major challenges of the moment, facilitating the daily life of caregivers and patients, doing its part in the face of the climate emergency, helping to fight against inequalities, and implementing new work models in a high-performance economy,” says David Layani, President and founder of onepoint.

Our STEER approach is an internal and external ambition

Our priority is to make onepoint a spearhead in the fight for inclusion and against climate change, both through its exemplary environmental footprint and through the awareness and involvement of its employees.

David Layani, President and Founder, onepoint

And an external ambition: “Aware of its role in society, onepoint’s ambition is to become a reference company to support its customers in their social and environmental responsibility, as well as the development of new business models with a positive footprint.

4 main themes


Economic responsibility

Through its growth and development, Onepoint contributes to the dissemination of its values and must approach each relationship with its employees, partners, ecosystem, and suppliers with respect for the ethical principles of business life and a reasoned and responsible approach to economic relations.

Social responsibility

Each employee must be able to perform his or her job in a work environment that respects his or her personality, choices, physical and mental health and safety, in conditions of kindness and equality that allow everyone to be and feel good at work.
This approach to well-being at work is particularly dear to onepoint, which has undertaken and developed numerous actions in this direction.

Environmental responsibility

Onepoint is fighting climate change, both through its environmental footprint and by developing new growth models, raising awareness, and taking the necessary measures to avoid environmental degradation.

Technological responsibility

As an architect of transformation, and at the heart of the growth of the digital economy, onepoint promotes the responsible and ethical use of technology.
We are strengthening our position in this area, and are working daily to imagine and design solutions that are accessible to all, favoring algorithms that are more transparent and have a positive impact on humans.


label Entreprise Numérique Responsable
label Entreprise Numérique Responsable